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 Silver Sage Equestrian Barn Rules 

We are dealing with horses! Pay attention at all times. 

1. Appropriate footwear & attire must be worn when leading, handling, grooming or riding horse. Absolutely no sandals or other open toe shoes, crocs, dance slippers, etc. Students arriving in unsafe footwear will be unable to participate scheduled activities. Lesson/Camp payment will still be required as the instructor(s) and horse(s) were present and reserved. 

2. Horses must be attended at all times when out of pasture or stalls. 

3. No feeding horses or entering pastures/stalls with horses unless instructor approval has been given. 

4. Minor spectators must be with an adult at all times unless prior approval has been given. Please keep young spectators quiet, calm & on benches when around horses. No loud or rambunctious behavior while in the barn or arenas! 

5. No smoking or alcohol while on the premises. 

6. Tie horses to designated tie areas only; not to fences or gates. 

7. No outside dogs allowed, other than those with prior approval. 

8. Riding guests must sign a Silver Sage Equestrian Release of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement upon, or prior to, arrival to the facility. If the rider is a minor, a parent or guardian must sign both the Release of Liability and the Minor Participant Agreement on their behalf. 

9. Horse must be led by a halter. No loose ropes etc. 

10. Keep Silver Sage Equestrian clean. Pick up after yourself, your party, and your horse. 

11. Vehicles must park in circular driveway. Please leave roadside parking open for trucks & trailers hauling horses in. 

12. Please be on time to pick up your child & complete payment so as to not interfere with the next student’s lesson. 

13. Verbal rules may be given by any Silver Sage Equestrian employee, manager, or agent and are expected to be followed. 


Silver Sage Equestrian Arena Rules 

1. Be aware and respectful to other riders and the horses. 

2. No gum chewing while riding the horses. 

3. Announce what you are doing loud and clear when passing other riders. Keep space between you and other riders. 

4. Only lunge horses with permission from those riding in the arena. 

5. Mount and dismount out of the way of riders. 

6. May only ride if you have approval from instructor. 

7. Clean up after yourself and your horse. 

8. Follow posted rules and signs. 

9. No loose horses in the arena. 

10. Don’t ride alone. 


12. Be aware of weather conditions and the risks they create. 

13. If there is an emergency or accident in the arena, you must dismount your horse immediately. 

Thanks for submitting!


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